Vector graphics have firmly entered the life of a modern person. Advertising posters, business cards, websites … this is not a complete list of objects on which vector images are found. So, what is vector format? What is vectorization? Why do you need this? We will try to answer these questions as informatively and clearly as possible.
So, vectorization (tracing) is a manual or automatic transformation of a raster image into its vector representation. Converting images from raster format (JPG, PNG, GIF, etc.) to vector (EPS, AI, CDR, etc.) Thanks to this transformation, the original image gets all the advantages of vector graphics. Above all, benefits of vector graphics – small file sizes, the ability to scale and edit without losing quality. Also, the undoubted advantage of vector graphics is that the designer has the ability to work with individual fragments of images.
A vector image (EPS, AI, CDR) unit various simple and complex geometric objects. That is to say, the image is based on a vector wireframe. Usually, these are the simplest geometric shapes and figures (rectangles, squares, circles, polygons, ellipses, line segments, etc.). Vector images united by mathematical relations, so the image itself is easily scaled. That’s why vector images are considered resolution-independent.
How are vector images created?
A vector image is created in vector programs (Illustrator, Corel Draw, etc.). First of all, vector images solve the problem of resizing images. Such an image is ideal for creating logos that can be placed both on the site and a city-format banner.
In simple words, it is easy to make changes to a vector layout: change the colours of individual elements, add or remove elements, scale the layout without losing quality. No problems! You can print a vector image equally well on a regular sheet of office paper and on billboards. In both cases, the picture will be even and clear.
How to correctly formulate and solve the problem of the image vectorization process?
Above all, converting bitmaps to vector images can seem like a difficult and time-consuming task. There is a huge difference between the two types of images:
- bitmaps are made up of pixels and tend to get blurry when zoomed in;
- while vectors are formed from points, lines and curves and can be scaled without losing image quality.
Often, designers are faced with the need to process complex line illustrations for their use for work. For example, in layouts of full-colour brochures and advertising posters, on the company’s website, on souvenirs, in catalogues, etc., colour or black and white. Scanning, as a rule, cannot provide the possibility of transformation without loss of quality and the necessary versatility of the bitmap. Designers often prefer to vectorize images or convert them from raster to vector format.
Solution for you
There is a solution! We in BastikoIT are pleased to offer you high-quality and affordable services for manual drawing (vectorization) of raster images of any complexity. The professionalism of our employees helps to cope with even the most difficult and unusual orders.
Of course, modern software can automatically convert images to vector format, but it does not give the desired result in most cases. The contours of objects are not always accurately drawn; small details present in the original drawing may disappear. Therefore, at BastikoIT we only use manual rendering. Manual translation of an image into a vector format allows you to avoid many distortions, inaccurate lines and the appearance of unnecessary nodes. This greatly simplifies the work with the further use of the layout.
Where do we start? Above all, for successful vectorization, you must provide the original image. Inform us if you need to make any changes to the layout. The original file will be drawn manually, observing the evenness of the lines, alignment of the elements.
As a result, you can increase or decrease the size to any extent, and your image will remain the same crisp and sharp. The image quality will be visible both on the monitor screen and when printed. Therefore, vectors are the best choice for illustrations displayed on various media and have to be resized frequently, such as logos.
We are waiting for your order for vector graphics. Our professional team will ensure you the perfect fulfilment of your order. To order any service from the “Vector Graphics” category, just write to us!